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Filey Steampunk Weekend 2023 

What is actually STEAMPUNK?

WELL ...

There is no real definition of 'steampunk'! This means that anyone can interpret it to suit your own tastes. It's not a 'following' or a musical genre that defines or labels. Personally, I'd say it's an artform that anyone can participate in. It's inclusive in that people of any age, any background, any faith, any inclination ... can easily be steampunk!

It's 'set' in the Victorian/Edwardian era, in an imaginary 'alternative' universe where steam ruled for a lot longer, clockwork became a more refined art, airships plied the skies, and 'visionaries' such as Jules Verne and H.G. Wells weren't fiction writers but factual!

Costume is down to the individual steampunk - your vision is your version; you might be a lady assassin, an airship captain, an intrepid explorer of Mars but the important thing to keep in mind is that your version of 'steampunk' is completely acceptable. There is no 'convention' or 'the right thing'! We are all right, none are wrong! In this please note - You can have ideas or costumes that will be absolutetly and fully appreciated! There is no wrong and no one are judges!

There's no real musical 'type'. It's the costume, the 'vibe', that counts. But there are many with a steampunk 'feel', such as burlesque or bawdy music. Music, like everyone knows, is a different taste!

Are there things that make 'steampunk' ... recognisable?

A general Victorian 'feel' but with an unexpected 'twist' or addition: ladies might 'reveal' more of their legs than 'historically' accurate? Gentlemen carry 'exotic' sidearms  when reality says they didn't. There's a 'badge' that has been worn over the (now) years of the steampunk genre that refuses to die, and really doesn't need to ... Brass Goggles! You'll see 'em, worn along with top hats, flouncy frocks, military uniforms of units that never existed.

Suffice to say, when you see a steampunk, you'll know they are a steampunk!

Contributors: Steve Bowden; Paula Cassady-Bishop
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